Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Cutest Sick Kids Around

Both Hannah and Micah are sick today. Hannah has had a fever off and on for 24 hours and Micah started not feeling well after school yesterday. I've spent most of the day either doing laundry or trying to make each one of them happy....and praying for our nation in between all of that!
Micah and I were in the middle of sorting through the books while Hannah napped this morning. I had just read a book to him and was looking for another. I turned my head and he was sound asleep! I couldn't believe it - he's never done anything like that before.
As you can see from the top picture, Hannah snuck off while I was getting Micah something. I decided to find her (assuming she was in a room with the door closed with a kitten - the norm). Boy! Was I wrong...she had gotten out my Oil of Olay and pampering herself and Pippy Longstocking. Girls will be girls!!

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Kennell Family Vision

Our family vision is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. We will reflect the image of Christ by fulfilling opportunities to bless, build relationships, provide hope, and extend God's love to people of all nations.
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26