Monday, July 12, 2010

God's Goodness & Peace

Early evening yesterday we experienced God's great peace and faithfulness to our family. We decided to take the kayak to the river and play a bit. After Rob & the boys rowing to the island and back and 2 out of 3 girls having a short ride close to the shore, Rob and the boys decided to practice rowing. The kids have life jackets, but the adults do not...yet. After about 5 minutes practicing rowing, in the middle of the river, the kayak took on too much water. I heard Rob yell to the boys to hang on. I looked over and saw a small amount of the kayak still in the water with them hanging onto it. I called our friend, and other PT - Eric, and asked him what to do. At that point there was no kayak, just 2 boys & daddy quickly floating downstream. I called 911. I never panicked, but was nervous. I knew they would make it to shore, but to have my husband and 2 young boys floating on the river very quickly downstream wasn't pleasant either. They floated very quickly downstream toward the bridge and after 5 minutes were out of sight. I was on the phone w/911 the whole 13 minutes until I was told they were on shore. I was very thankful for the Hispanic family (who spoke a bit of english) that took over taking care of the girls and the husband who helped try to wave down a boat. No boat help out; they thought we were just waving. The boys & Rob were finally able to swim to shore and get out of the water. they went quite a way in the river. No one was hurt; Rob said that Jeremiah was phenomenal and kept saying "I'm OK dad, I'm OK." What a trooper! Micah was pretty nervous a few times, but all kept swimming. After we got into the car (pretty soon after "the event" everyone was totally fine and decided we should go to Sonic for dinner - that was fun! Everyone slept well and God's peace that passes ALL understanding certainly does reign and rule in this family! Praising God for his love and faithfulness to us. We will now pursue wisdom and buy adult life jackets:)

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Kennell Family Vision

Our family vision is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. We will reflect the image of Christ by fulfilling opportunities to bless, build relationships, provide hope, and extend God's love to people of all nations.
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26