Monday, March 2, 2009

Crazy Day

This week the boys school is celebrating Nation Lutheran School Week. Today is Crazy Day and the boys had fun dressing"crazy". Micah went to school with a snap on tie, but it disappeared sometime during the day. It's fun that there is a change for their dress and gets the kids excited about getting up in the morning.
Adoption News:
We have sent in the home study documents. All the certified copies of every certificate known to man, pages of legal work - that had to be notorized, guardianship papers, medical physicals for each person in the family, financial papers, etc... and not to mention the 54 page personal profile that EACH one of us had to fill out about ourselves and all family relationships. It's all worth it. We now await the phone call to set up interviews. For some reason the agency has not recieved state background checks from 2 states that Rob & I have lived in. Hope that arrives soon. Who knows why the hang-up...?
Rob & I were able to go to Seattle over night alone last weekend. We spent 6+ hours on one of our classes we are required to take; that workbook took 14+hours total. We also have taken 5 classes on-line and have 1 more to go.
The dossier paperwork is done and ready to mail in minus our extra passport pictures that the Ethiopian government wants. We have to send in several picture of our family (together and seperate) and house. Not sure why they want passport pictures...I had misread that part and we will get them tomorrow and mail the dossier info. probably on Wednesday.
All in all, things are going great. I'm glad to be done with the paperwork and look forward to the interviews and then the awesome phone call of the referral; which could be several months down the road. We continue to pray that the Lord lead us to the children he has planned for us and that He keep then safe and the palm of His hand. We can't wait!!

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Kennell Family Vision

Our family vision is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. We will reflect the image of Christ by fulfilling opportunities to bless, build relationships, provide hope, and extend God's love to people of all nations.
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26